Students meet startups - Final of the Digital Qualifier
Laura Diez
When the creative potential of students is combined with real tasks from companies, the result is innovative and practical solutions.
For the 5th time, students have worked on practice-relevant tasks from start-ups as part of the Digital Qualifier. On 11 January, the students of the Business Chemistry programme presented their research results of real challenges of the startups to Prof. Dr. Stephan Haubold at the Hochschule Fresenius in Idstein and discussed them afterwards.

Over a period of three months, the students worked together with the challenge donors BioInterio, Fungtion, Bhyo, AutoProNANO, Intelligent Data Analytics GmbH & Co. KG, C2O GmbH developed valuable results and substantial solutions.
They were supported by experienced mentors from the network of the Wissensfabrik - Unternehmen für Deutschland e.V. and the Digital Hub.

Networking between education, business & innovation
The feedback from the start-ups was very positive throughout. The cooperation with the students went smoothly and the teams provided helpful contributions as well as valuable impulses for the business development of the start-ups within a short time.
The students also praised the good cooperation with the startups and benefited from the insight into new topics and the many new contacts. The lively Q&A session after each presentation showed the great interest in the topics around digitalisation and sustainability.
Prof. Dr. Stephan Haubold is also satisfied: "Once again, it was a great trip - thanks to all the teams and Wissensfabrik - Unternehmen für Deutschland e.V. And 5-HT Digital Hub - Chemistry & Health!"
The students were in direct exchange with the start-ups and their supervising professor Dr Stephan Haubold.
The event was held in autumn 2021 in cooperation with Hochscule Fresenius and Wissensfabrik. This is part of our 5-HT Digital Qualifier programme, which is funded by the state of Baden-Württemberg. Other Digital Qualifiers exist with the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and the Ludwigshafen University of Applied Sciences.
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