Further collaboration between BASF and 5-HT Digital Hub Chemistry & Health
Laura Diez
During her visit to the 5-HT Digital Hub in Ludwigshafen, BASF Board Member and CTO Melanie Maas-Brunner reiterated the Hub's support as a building block for external innovation. After all, innovation and the ability to find creative solutions to ever new and changing challenges are critical to the success of any company.
"Finding the best products and solutions for our customers with innovative ideas - that is our goal. In addition to our own developments, we always have to keep an eye on what innovations are emerging outside BASF and how we can best use their potential for us and our customers," says Chief Technology Officer Melanie Maas-Brunner during her visit to the Digital Hub at the Ludwigshafen Technology Center in early May.
"We want to connect creative minds at BASF with equally creative startups around the world. Collaboration in the fields still opens up an incredible number of opportunities that we can explore together," says 5-HT Managing Director Frank Funke. "Our ever-growing network of corporate sponsors is helping to drive digital transformation in the chemical, healthcare and sustainability sectors through sharing best practices and a vibrant community."
More collaborations could also emerge in the renewable energy sector, for example at the X-Linker H2 in June, where startups and large companies come together to present their visions, just like at speed dating. (INSERT LINK)
"Cooperation with creative, modern companies is important for BASF. 5-HT can help us in this. Only if we are open to fresh ideas from outside can we optimally master the challenges in the increasingly digital world in the future," says Maas-Brunner.
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