Cleantech Scandinavia - OUR NEW PARTNER HUB
Laura Reich Diez
A warm welcome to our new partner Hub The GreenTech Village (GTV) in Lund, Sweden. We are happy to have them on board! You can find a short profile in our “network section” on this website.
Cleantech Scandinavia, the company behind the GTV is a long-established provider and promoter of cleantech innovations that covers the whole Nordics and Baltic countries. Cleantech Scandinavia has been working to scale up profitable and sustainable solutions and providing business intelligence for 14 years!
This is what Cleantech Scandinavia says about them and their partnership with us:
“We connect people, innovations and investments for sustainable growth and agile success. We would like to combine our effort and our platforms for more clean and sustainable business opportunities and established corporates and startups.”
Toby Hörnlein, Accelerator Manager & Business Relations at Cleantech Scandinavia, talks about their work and new partnership with 5-HT Digital Hub Chemistry & Health in our „Hub2Hub – Hey Partner Talk“ – see more on our YouTube channel:
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Jetzt YouTube Videos ladenJetzt YouTube Videos laden Toby Hörnlein (Cleantech Scandinavia) and Corinna Herrmann (5-HT) in the interviewWhat is Cleantech Scandinavia all about?
Cleantech Scandinavia is a pipeline for clean technology and business intelligence in the Nordics and has been for the last fourteen years. We collect business intelligence on the market on cleantech developments in the Nordic which is collecting knowledge about startups’ innovation on the way to the market. Industry wise we are not limited, as long as it shows impact. We´re all about cleantech but sustainability can pretty much be anything these days. Additionally, we act as a middleman to connect innovations and investors for sustainable growth and agile success.
Why is Cleantech Scandinavia located in the Nordics?
The Nordics have a long history of being highly innovative, so it makes sense for us to be here. We are working with a lot of international partners and there is a lot of innovation coming from here that could benefit on a global scale and we´d be foolish to concentrate only on the Nordics; however as a base to go from it’s quite perfect. We do work with a lot of international markets and are strengthening our relations to the US and a lot of countries in Europe. Asia is constantly knocking on our door, Singapore and China in particular, and we´re excited to move forward and expand our global engagement.
What programs does Cleantech Scandinavia offer for startups?
The Greentech Village is the physical embodiment of the network that Cleantech Scandinavia is working with. It provides a creative space for corporates, researchers, academia, and policy makers to break down innovation silos and shape the future together. The idea is if you are a startup and in need of finance or in need of networking or anywhere, you’d want to scale up, we´re trying to create a shortcut to link the startup with the right people to get their idea out there. Our initiatives and programs have a very clear goal: to connect startups with the investment and markets they need to scale.
View into The Greentech Village working areaCould you share a success story of Cleantech Scandinavia?
There have been quite a few success stories in the past. I believe the best success story is the ongoing procedure or the motor of the company, the engine which is the Nordic Cleantech Open: an annual competition for startups from the Nordic and Baltic regions. Every year we identify the best 25 and most innovative seed-stage cleantech startups with the main objective of putting their innovations in the spotlight to support and accelerate their development.
What benefits do you expect from a partnership between Cleantech Scandinavia with Digital Hub Chemistry & Health?
Primarily the benefit I would expect from any partnership, an open exchange of thoughts which then leads to an exchange of ideas that hopefully leads to future opportunities to combine our platform for more clean and sustainable business opportunities and established corporates and startups.
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