Startup innovations to experience and recommend at the 5-HT Innovators Club

Laura Diez


What happens when innovative minds meet? That's exactly what happened last autumn at the 5-HT Innovators Club. Peter Neske from Pfizer meets entrepreneurs Robert Hoffmeister, Saribek Karapetyan and Dr. Benito Campos at the 5-HT Innovators Club, they strike up a conversation and the rest is an innovation collaboration success story.

Goodly Innovations is the leading provider of process instruction solutions for manufacturing, including world-class augmented reality instructions for regulated industries, with particular expertise in the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industries - so it's no wonder that it successfully networked with Pfizer and its future plant in Freiburg.

But Visual Abstract also has a lot to offer, because there are more than 35 million medical publications on PubMed, more than 1 million new ones per year: the abundance of information is not a problem of the future. It has become the biggest threat to scientific progress. The startup creates visual summaries and high-quality metadata for researchers at the push of a button, offering excellent added value For a corporate with many digital interactions, an exciting potential "match".

Peter Neske meets Goodly Innovations & Visual Abstract at the 5-HT Innovators Club

5-HT Innovators Club – ein Katalysator für Innovationen

The first contact between Pfizer and the two startups was made at the second edition of the 5-HT Innovators Club in November 2022, where participants heard presentations by tech startups from the 5-HT network and then experienced their solutions in an exhibition at several stations.

Robert Hoffmeister presents Goodly Innovations

Saribek Karapetyan presents Visual Abstract

"If it hadn't been for the Innovators Club, I wouldn't have met Benito, Sari and Robert. The 5-HT Innovators Club is a matchmaking door opener with many personal 1-to-1 interactions and exciting contacts - simply a fruitful networking event," emphasises Peter Neske, Innovation Lead at Pfizer Healthcare Hub.

Benito Campos from Visual Abstract recalls the successful event: "I think the Innovators Club is one of those rare cases, one of those rare events where there are 100% intrinsically motivated people."

Benito Campos shows the Visual Abstract solution

Robert Hoffmeister, Goodly Innovations also looks back proudly on the Innovators Club: "Many thanks to 5-HT Digital Hub - Chemistry & Health for hosting this event. Great people, great workshops and amazing startups."

Workshop at the 5-HT Innovators Club

The Innovators Club is followed by an innovation event of the Pfizer Healthcare Hub.

The Pfizer Healthcare Hub, BadenCampus, Deutsche Messe and the VR Business Club invite all interested parties to a real innovation deep dive on 15 February 2023: Guests can experience AR and VR applications live at 20 tech stations, get an overview of the status quo and the future of the e-health industry and exchange ideas with the hottest startups and scaleups!

Robert Hoffmeister from Goodly Innovations, Dr. Benito Campos and Saribek Karapetyan from Visual Abstracts will be present at the "VR Business Club Event" of the Pfizer Healthcare Hub on 15.02.2023 and will use this event to present themselves to a tri-national network.

Digital innovation through cooperation

5-HT is also happy about the successful matchmaking and the realisation of the project, which will allow them to make another contribution to the digitalisation of the healthcare industry.

"Congratulations to Pfizer around Peter Neske's team for the successful cooperation. We are proud to have brought Pfizer, Goodly Innovations and Visual Abstract together and look forward to the "VR Business Club Event" on 15.02.2023", says Dr. Frank Funke, Managing Director 5-HT.

Pfizer's success story with Goodly Innovations and Visual Abstracts shows that collaborations between established companies and startups can greatly accelerate the implementation of suitable digital applications. The 5-HT Digital Hub acts as a central platform and offers active advice and support for young and established players with its services.

Are you also looking for new impulses and digital innovations for your products? Then contact us at and write your own success story together with us.

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