It's time to pitch and network! - X-Linker New Energies - H2 2021
Celine Jörns
„The key driver for digital transformation is collaboration. Build crosslinks now!“, resounds from the loudspeakers of the 5-HT Eventspaces at 9:30 a.m. on the morning of June 11, 2021. Around 200 guests have gathered in front of the large screen of the virtual event arena to follow nine pitches from promising startups. Now it's time for the final of the X-Linker New Energies - H2 to begin. Already for the second time this year, we hosted the successful program. This time, however, in a new edition: under the name "X-Linker New Energies - H2", the program is aimed specifically at startups with hydrogen solutions. In this way, we want to drive innovation in the field of hydrogen together with our co-organizer, the Metropolitan Region Rhine-Neckar and its H2 Rivers project.
The final begins: Moderator Marco R. Majer welcomes all guests and participants
Phase 1: The bootcamp
Pitch training, feedback sessions and helpful tips on corporate speed dating - that's what the week from June 7 to June 10, 2021 looked like. Nine selected startups from Canada, Latvia, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and Germany were intensively prepared for the final on June 11, 2021. On this day, they were allowed to present their innovative hydrogen solutions in front of a jury, numerous industry giants and our community. Afterwards, they were given the chance to exchange ideas with world-renowned corporates in exclusive "Corporate Speed Datings". "The participating startups get a great chance to interact with real hydrogen industry giants on finals day. However, there are a few things to keep in mind: How do we appear convincing? What is important in the short time available? How do we succeed in arranging follow-up meetings with the corporates? With these aspects in mind, we prepare the participants in the best possible way to support successful dialogs.", says Marco R. Majer, who guided the startups through the entire program and moderated the event.
The Dry Run with the participating startups before the finale
Phase 2: The final
On the morning of June 11, 2021 the time had come. Punctually at 9:30 a.m. our moderator Marco welcomed all guests and participants in the new virtual 5-HT Event Arena. After an introduction of the jury members Doris Wittneben (Division Manager Future Fields and Innovation MRN) and Ursula Kloé (Managing Partner JU-KNOW) Jonas Wagner (Project Manager Innovation Cluster Hydrogen MRN) spoke some opening words about the development of the Metropolitan Region Rhine-Neckar to a model region for hydrogen.
Another highlight was the keynote speech by Dr. Tilman Krauch, CTO of Freudenberg SE, which focused on the importance of hydrogen in industry. We are pleased that he emphasized the positive influence that the Crosslinker events would have on the innovation landscape in the Metropolitan Region Rhine-Neckar: "Startups need networks through which they can develop their ideas into business models. The Metropolitan Region Rhine-Neckar can offer such strong networks, and Crosslinker events are the matchmakers that bring everything together."
Dr. Tilman Krauch, CTO of Freudenberg SE, holds a keynote speech on the importance of hydrogen in industry
Behind the Scenes with moderator Marco R. Majer (left) and our IT expert Peter Kuhn (right)
9 x 4 minutes of pure innovation
After the inspiring words of our speakers, things got serious. Now our nine selected startups were in the spotlight. In front of around 200 guests, the founders each presented their innovative hydrogen solution in a 4-minute pitch. The audience was given an exciting insight into the various innovations that were presented. These included, for example, software to increase the effectiveness of hydrogen, or hydrogen-powered air cabs. But that was not all. Directly after each pitch, a Q&A session with the jury members took place. In this session, the founders were able to dig deeper into the topic and answer specific questions from Doris Wittneben and Ursula Kloé.
"It was a pleasure being part of this exciting and interesting event. Great and promising innovations and a really professional moderation and setup! 👍"
Ursula Kloé, JU-KNOW, Jury member X-Linker New Energies – H2 2021
These nine startups impressed with their innovative hydrogen solutions:
Camideos - Fraunhofer ISI Spinoff / Germany
CibusCell / Germany
EH Group / Switzerland
HyLevio / Germany
Insplorion AB / Sweden
Ionomr Innovations Inc. / Canada
KEYOU GmbH / Germany
NacoTechnologies / Latvia
NanoSUN / United Kingdom
In the Q&A session, our jury members keep a close eye on the startups
Take a look at the innovations of the startups in our onepager exhibition still now
Startups meet industry giants - for a sustainable future
The day was not over for the startups with the pitches: Next on the agenda was the exclusive Corporate Speed Dating. As at the previous X-Linker events, we were able to attract world-renowned corporates for this event: BASF, SAP, ABB, Air Liquide, Bosch, Endress+Hauser, MVV Energie AG, GP JOULE and Daikin. In our virtual meeting rooms, the startups were able to exchange ideas with the industry giants and use the opportunity to arrange promising follow-up meetings for future collaboration. Our goal here is to foster innovative hydrogen collaborations. "With our global approach, we have brought together international players on the corporate and startup side that offer broad solutions around hydrogen. We hope to see many promising approaches for collaborations," says Dr. Frank Funke, Managing Director of 5-HT.
The feedback from the participating startups shows that the event was successful this time as well and that several follow-ups are already underway:
"We at CibusCell really enjoyed the event. Congratulations to the 5-HT Team for this great organization, preparation of us as a Start-Up, flow of the event and great follow-ups with Corporates. It couldn´t be better."
Marcus Ruebsam, CibusCell, Participant X-Linker New Energies – H2 2021
"It was probably the most useful and intense hours of my start-up life. A lot of great people in one virtual space. Amazing event by 5-HT Digital Hub – Chemistry & Health!"
Aleksandrs Parfinovics, Naco Technologies, Participant X-Linker New Energies – H2 2021
"A great event, insightful, well organised & with genuine engagement from all corporates & startups involved… Thank you 5-HT!"
Christopher Brandon, EH Group, Participant X-Linker New Energies – H2 2021
You still haven't gathered enough impressions of our X-Linker program? Then take a look at the aftermovie of the event:
Aftermovie X-Linker New Energies - H2 2021
We would like to thank all 222 participants and guests for the successful event and the positive feedback! See you next year when it says again: Build crosslinks now!
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