Exploris Health: Easily detect coronary heart disease
Corinna Herrmann
Manuel Römer, Chief Strategy & Business Development at Exploris Health, explains in an interview how their non-invasive test can be used to diagnose heart disease precisely, quickly and accurately using AI.

How would you explain your solution to a healthcare professional in three sentences?
“We have developed the Cardio Explorer, an easy-to-use, non-invasive, AI-based and CE-certified test that can reliably determine the presence of coronary heart disease (CHD) after entering standard parameters such as blood values, blood pressure and patient information. Until now, this was only possible with imaging procedures such as CT or MRI or invasive angiography. In future, the Cardio Explorer will make it possible to improve care and reduce costs at the same time.”
What problem motivated you to found the company?
“Heart attacks are the main cause of death, although most of them are preventable. The underlying CHD usually develops gradually over the years and often remains asymptomatic for a very long time. The tools available to date are either too imprecise (individual blood values, ECG, scores) and either miss affected CHD patients or overestimate the risk and require further complex imaging, sometimes invasive investigations. Together with the University Hospital Basel, we have therefore set ourselves the goal of diagnosing CHD using easily determinable values (blood values, blood pressure, patient information) and using AI to identify the best combination of parameters.”
How do you convince a pharmaceutical company, health insurance company, insurer or other potential customer to set up a pilot project with you?
“The Cardio Explorer offers high medical benefits and health economic added value for patients, doctors, companies and health insurance companies. The ease of use and high accuracy of the test enable companies and occupational physicians to efficiently identify affected employees and prevent heart attacks and illness-related absences. The test also promotes sustainable lifestyle changes that improve employees' health and performance. Health insurance companies are interested in our CHD test to reduce heart health costs and improve patient care. A major German health insurance company expects significant annual savings from a current trial study. Medical device manufacturers see great added value in our algorithm for digital health transformation and the integration of biomarkers. As a young company, we have successfully mastered the path to an approved, AI-based medical device and are valued for our AI platform, which generates highly predictive algorithms from small data sets. In addition, our close collaboration with leading university hospitals in Europe gives us access to extensive data sources that can be used to develop new diagnostic algorithms and support clinical studies. This makes us an attractive partner for pharmaceutical companies and corporations.”
Who are your current customers (groups) and who are your potential customers?
“Thanks to the CE certification, we can currently market in Europe (focus on Germany, Switzerland and Austria). We are also preparing to enter the UAE market.
We have customers in the field of occupational medicine who are concerned about the heart health of their workforce and appreciate an easy-to-perform test with high diagnostic accuracy to identify at-risk employees who were previously asymptomatic but would benefit from further investigation for dangerous narrowing of the coronary arteries.
In addition, general practitioners and hospital doctors use the test to quickly triage patients with suspected CHD.”
Where do you see yourselves in three years' time and how can 5-HT support you?
“In three years' time, we will have broad cost coverage via the main health insurance companies in order to promote its use in standard care. We will also be established in occupational medicine. We are building a network with industry partners for international expansion. We will benefit from the opportunities offered by 5-HT to establish the relevant contacts and concretize business models with the players involved.”
You took part in the 5-HT X-linker “Innovation in occupational health management” in June 2024. What is your impression of the event and what have you gained from participating (so far)?
“The event was a great opportunity to engage in a concrete, trustworthy exchange with leading minds from the digital health start-up scene as well as leading company representatives. We were able to make valuable contacts and initiate initial project ideas. There were also inspiring specialist presentations that provided an insight behind the scenes of occupational health management and occupational medicine. 5-HT is an important platform for bringing innovative start-ups together with established players and promoting Germany as a business location.”
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