Deep Care revolutionizes the sitting posture for frequent sitters

Corinna Herrmann

Startup Stories

Simon Fiechtner, co-founder at Deep Care, explains in our interview how their innovative AI assistant “Isa” sustainably improves the daily behavior of frequent desk workers. The aim is to use advanced technologies and artificial intelligence to create a healthy and productive working environment and minimize health risks.

How would you explain your solution in three sentences to a colleague from the healthcare sector?

"We have developed a technology that enables us to achieve measurable long-term effects on daily behavior at the desk for the target group of frequent sitters. Our “Isa” is the only solution to date that has a proven long-term effect on people's daily behavior at the desk (movement, ergonomics, hydration), which is precisely the core of the sitting problem that no one has been able to change so far."

Deep Care: Application for customers

Deep Care: Application for customers

Deep Care: improving sitting posture

What problem motivated you to found the company?

"It all started with five friends who were working on robotics issues at Bosch and Tesla and experienced health problems caused by sitting for long periods of time despite the extensive occupational health promotion programs offered by their employers, and used their expertise and their own needs to develop an innovative approach to individual health promotion. We have since grown into a top team from the fields of artificial intelligence, behavioral research, health sciences and business development. Today, Deep Care is a leading pioneer in its field, serving over 150 client companies and cooperating with various health insurance companies and selected service providers in the field of occupational health and safety."

How do you convince a pharmaceutical company, health insurance company, insurance company or other potential customer to set up a pilot project with you?

"Unfortunately, the vast majority of workplace prevention measures are only selective and therefore have little impact on employees' long-term behavior. We have therefore developed a completely new approach, a digital AI assistant called Isa. As a digital companion, she can accompany employees through their actual working day over a period long enough for actual behavioral changes to take place. This gives us the only solution to date that has a proven and measurable long-term effect on people's daily behavior at their desks (movement, ergonomics, hydration). This allows us to effectively address the core of the sitting problem, which no one has been able to change to date. In order to make digital health assistance available to employees easily and without effort, we have developed the circulation system called “Isa on Demand”. This ensures that the BGM hardly incurs any effort, that the desired target group is easily reached and that it is used for exactly as long as is necessary to achieve a long-term effect. All with a watertight data protection concept."

Who are your current customers (groups) and who should be the potential customers?

"We already have over 150 direct customers in DE + CH + AT + NL in long-term use. These include around 40-50 globally renowned corporations as well as many small and medium-sized companies. These are from different industries and have in common that a considerable proportion of their employees work at their desks.

In addition, 7 health insurance companies now use us on a long-term basis as a preventive measure in accordance with §20 SGB V and prevention guidelines and thus refer us to other companies. We also have a very close strategic cooperation with BAD GmbH, who also use us in their client companies throughout Germany."

Where do you see yourselves in 3 years and how can 5-HT support you?

"With our growing range of services (including further developments such as our AI-based mental coaching), we are setting new standards in terms of the effectiveness of occupational prevention services. In doing so, we are laying important groundwork for social change, away from a healthcare system geared towards therapy and towards one that focuses on prevention. With this in mind, we at 5-HT hope to establish many more networks within companies."

You took part in the 5-HT X-linker “Innovation in occupational health management” in June 2024. What is your impression of the event and what have you gained from participating (so far)?

"A very high-caliber event. We were able to strengthen our ongoing cooperation with some companies on a personal level (e.g. BASF, Mercedes-Benz) and at the same time get to know the right people from new companies and initiate first steps (e.g. BioNTech, Merck). I would particularly like to emphasize that the relaxed atmosphere and the small selected group of start-ups enabled really in-depth discussions, which in my opinion was very instructive in both directions."

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