Digitization + sustainability = the combination for the future?
Marco R. Majer
Digital technologies can be a key driver for shaping a sustainable future
As a result of the Corona crisis, we recognized that digitization is essential for our everyday business. A functioning digital infrastructure and the corresponding skills of employees are the necessary foundation.
Many companies have a lot of catching up to do with the corresponding basics. But the Corona crisis also serves as a catalyst for companies that have already invested massively in digitization.
In his article in the August 2020 issue of CHEManager, Marco R. Majer describes the opportunities of digitization and sustainability and says: "I am convinced that the combination of digitization and sustainability, including collaboration with start-ups, can be a groundbreaking step towards the future of the chemical industry".
Solutions from the following startups from the 5-HT Digital Hub network are outlined: ClimateTrade, Cuantix, Sustainabill, Cirplus, Arxum, Viking Analytics, Metron.
In summary, digital technologies can serve as a key driver for companies in the chemical industry to actively shape a sustainable future. However, before every company launches new initiatives in silo form, it is advisable to take a look at the start-up scene in order to accelerate the implementation of suitable digital applications through collaboration. Here it is important to be open to external ideas and approaches to solutions.
Chemical companies must not insist on perfectionism, because it is not to be expected that a startup's solution will directly and completely fit its own needs. Rather, a framework must be defined in which the established company modifies the solution together with the startup. It may also be essential to extend this framework to include other established companies in order to enable cross-industry innovation.

You can read the complete article (in German language) in the attached document or online .
13_CHEManager-1HerunterladenSource: „Digitalisierung + Nachhaltigkeit = die Kombination für die Zukunft?“ – from CHEManager 8/2020
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